Student Accounts

Student accounts, other than for Boarding Fees, are managed using a system called School Bytes.

Boarding Fees are managed by the Dept of Education's Accounts Receivable Department.

School Bytes will allow you to view your current outstanding school fees and select  fees for payment. You will receive a customised link when your statement is periodically emailed to you that auto-completes this information and loads your account. You can also request a statement be sent by email to another party for payment, and for privacy reasons we can redact your name and address details. 

The School Bytes Parent Portal also gives you access to your account history, along with other functions including payments, form submission and responses.

Payments for large amounts, such as excursions, can be part paid by editing the amount, as shown in the graphic below. This allows parents to fit payments into their budget, for example, you might prefer to pay $50.00 per week.

Note, in the example above for excursions, the food charge shows separately as it includes GST, where the excursion costs, as part of your child's education, is GST-free.

Please ensure that the school is advised if you change your email address by completing the Student/Parent Change of Contact Details form (P.01) in the Form Bank.

Parents or Students may be eligible for Financial Assistance from various sources.

A schedule of fees can be found in the Financial Matters section of the School Manual.

Payment Methods

Student Statement of Account  Payment Methods
Make a Payment To make a payment, click this button on your emailed statement.
Add Other Item For optional items not listed on your statement.
In person at school Offer Icon By cheque or EFTPOS, either credit or debit card. Cash cannot be accepted.
For Non-Student Account Payments
Follow this link and add applicable items

Boarding fees only
Online BPay BPay via your internet banking, using the BPay code on your invoice

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